Siobhan Dooley

Automation Engineer - Hatch
I’m an engineer for the automation and control group at Hatch! I program PLCs and instrumentation design! I have to use my critical thinking skills to help solve problems and also all designs must go through a good checking process so that any errors are caught.
“A bit more about me…”
Born in: Sioux Lookout, ON
Training: Queen’s University in Kingston, ON
“When I’m at work you’ll find me…”
It depends on the project I work on, but right now I lead the underground automation for a project in the mines! I answer questions the contractor has, develop new drawings and help with the commissioning and ramp up of new systems! It’s a fun job!
“How I affect people’s lives…”
Electronics need metal to function and we need mining to get these metals! Just think about it, if mining was stopped, we wouldn’t have phones, computers, tablets, and so much more! Would you survive without your phone?
“Why I do what I do...”
I enjoy problem solving, so being able to do that on a daily basis is what excites me the most!
“The path that brought me here…”
I wasn’t sure what an engineer did when I was a kid, so I definitely didn’t expect to be doing what I am now! My teacher thought it’d be something I’d enjoy and excel in so I went for it! I then studied chemical engineering and liked the idea of working on different projects, because it seemed like a great way of learning new skills without getting bored of my day-to-day activities.
“When I’m not working I…”
I do beadwork in my spare time! I love making earrings, medallions and keychains. My kookim (grandmother) was a beader as well, and my sisters and me have taken it up as a hobby!
“My advice to others…”
Ask questions and look for resources where you can get some mentorship! There is also a lot more information on the internet now than what was available when I was a child, so keep researching and do what you love!
I enjoyed:
- Computer science
- Math
- Science
- Technology
- Music
I was someone who:
- Brought people together
- Enjoyed doing things on my own
- Liked helping people
- Organized activities for my friends
- Played on a sports team
- Enjoyed working with my hands
- Was motivated by success
- Wanted to be in charge
- Liked being given free range to explore my ideas
- Liked reading
- Played video games
- Was proud of my grades
- Wasn't sure what I wanted to do
- Liked to take things apart to see how they worked
- Liked to design or build things
- Learned best by doing