Computer Engineering
Computer engineers create and improve the technologies and hardware that shape our modern world.
Computer engineers research, design, develop, evaluate, and integrate computer and telecommunications hardware and equipment, and information and communication system networks, including wireless communication networks, fibre-optic networks, intranets, the Internet, and other systems.
Computer and telecommunications hardware engineers will analyze a user’s requirement, and design and develop new computer equipment accordingly. They will research, design, develop, and integrate computer and telecommunications hardware such as microprocessors, integrated circuit boards, and semiconductor lasers, and will develop and conduct design simulations and prototype bench tests of the components. These engineers will also supervise, inspect, and provide design support when manufacturing, installing, and implementing this hardware.
Network system and data communication engineers will research, design, and develop information and communication system network architecture, and will evaluate and integrate network system and data communication hardware and software. They will also assess and optimize the capacity and performance of these networks.