Tyler Patles

Director of Technical Services for the North Shore Micmac District Council
I lead a team of dedicated engineers (and others) that provide engineering and housing related services to First Nations communities throughout Atlantic Canada.
“A bit more about me…”
Born in: Natoaganeg (Eel Ground) First Nation, New Brunswick, Canada
- University of New Brunswick - Fredericton, NB - Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering,
- James Cook University - Queensland, Australia - Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
“When I’m at work you’ll find me…”
In my day, I have lots of meetings with different people like First Nations communities, project stakeholders, consultants and many more! Meetings are online and in-person. I track progress and budgets while helping people working in the field. Brainstorming new ideas is something I do every day!
In my meetings with First Nations communities, I learn more about their issues, project priorities, and goals. Sometimes this relates to infrastructure (like roads, water, sewer, or buildings) and housing, but it can also be along the lines of economic development. I help First Nations communities fulfill these goals. Sometimes this means facilitating/overseeing design and construction projects or working with our partners to figure out answers while helping to fund projects.
I also provide housing services to many First Nation communities in Atlantic Canada. I provide inspections for new construction and renovations. Most of the time, renovations mean taking an unhealthy home (like a home with mold, bad ventilation, structure and plumbing) and making it healthy again. My goal is to provide safe and healthy homes for people. I work with communities to promote education and training as it relates to housing repairs, management, construction, administration, and much more!
Having experience with STEM is important to the decisions I make as well as the solutions that are developed. Every real-life problem can be broken down into math and science. Technology and engineering are then used to solve these problems and create solutions!
“How I affect people’s lives…”
My career helps me fight for safe and reliable housing and drinking water for First Nations. There is no better feeling than seeing a family turn on the tap for the first time in their new home while having safe and clean water to drink.
Without engineers there would be no one trained or experienced to design, construct and/or repair roads, water systems, sewer systems, buildings, and bridges in communities. I love what I do!
“Why I do what I do...”
What motivates me most about my career is that I can help people, families, and communities. The main purpose of my career is to solve problems and find answers. This may be something as simple as fixing a fire hydrant to solving water quality and supply issues for a large community.
What I enjoy most about my job is the opportunity to work with other professionals to complete a project. Engineering isn't a one man show, it takes a team. Everyone has a role to play and it's amazing to see all these parts come together to complete a project.
The most rewarding part of my job is at the end of the day, I know that I made the lives of people around me better. What is also very rewarding is having a vision of a project and seeing it go from blueprints to being constructed.
Career Path
There are two things that brought me to this point in my life. The first is education and the second is my mother! My mother loved education and learning. From a young age she didn't promote engineering, but dedication and staying in school. My mother is the true reason that I'm successful today.
My reason for choosing engineering was because I was always good at math and science. I chose this path in Grade 12 because I was told it was a good career path and that it involved a lot of math and science. It wasn't until my second year in university that I realized what an engineer is and what an engineer does. I'm very lucky to have chosen the path of an engineer.
“The path that brought me here…”
My advice to a young person is to stay in school and don't be scared! You're likely going to need to leave your community or town, but don't be intimidated by this, see this as an opportunity and lifetime experience. You’ve got this!
I enjoyed:
- Art
- Business
- Computer science
- Geography
- History
- Math
- Music
- Physical Education
- Science
- Technology
I was someone who:
- Brought people together
- Enjoyed doing things on my own
- Always wanted to be outside
- Liked helping people
- Played on a sports team
- Enjoyed working with my hands
- Was motivated by success
- Liked being given specific instructions
- Liked being given free range to explore my ideas
- Played video games
- Felt proud of my grades
- Wasn't sure what I wanted to do
- Liked to take things apart to see how they worked
- Liked to design or build things
- Learned best by doing