Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW) - Spaghetti Bridge Competition
Organizer: Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba
Our annual Spaghetti Bridge Competition, in support of Harvest Manitoba, returns with in-person and virtual options for pre-registered school groups.
K-Grade 12 students compete to build the strongest bridge using just pasta and white or wood glue, then watch as we test it to destruction!
Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba will donate money to Harvest Manitoba based on how strong the bridges are, and entrants are encouraged to bring a 'Tin for the Bin'. The builder(s) of the strongest truss in each class will win a gift card to McNally Robinson, and teachers with at least ten students participating will qualify for a participation gift for their class!
Monday, March 18, 2024
Kildonan Place Mall
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Kildonan Place Mall
Wednesday, March 20, 2023 - Pre-registered school groups only
Bruce Middle School, 333 Booth Drive (St James area, West Winnipeg)
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Virtual (Zoom) - trusses dropped off by March 19 at Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, 870 Pembina Highway
Entry into the Spaghetti Bridge Competition is free, but pre-registration is required. For more information on the competition, the prizes, and how to register, please see the Spaghetti Bridge website.

Language(s): English
Location: Kildonan Place Mall
Age Range: All ages
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